Find out what your zodiac sign has for you and bring a positive change to your life with a personalised prediction!

Find out what your zodiac sign has for you and bring a positive change to your life with a personalised prediction!

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Your Horoscope for Today


Although you’re poised to party, there’s still a lot to do so you can finish 2022 strong. You may get a sudden second wind today for your work today as the energizing Sun blasts into industrious Capricorn and your ambition arena for the next four weeks. A hybrid holiday may have to be the answer because career inspiration is bound to strike at the most unexpected moments between now and January 20. Slip off as needed—but try not to leave the celebrations for TOO long.

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Have you already solidified your holiday plans? If not, you might get a wild hare to celebrate someplace very off-the-beaten-path! Today, the Sun swings into Capricorn and your ninth house of travel and adventure for four weeks. Not fully committed to a gathering of friends or family—and need to use some vacation time? Check last-minute airfare and Airbnb deals in places you’re dreaming of. And even if that trip doesn’t happen now, at least you’ll have whet your globe-trotting appetite!

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The reindeer you’ll be most interested in is Cupid—and is there a Vixen? Oh, wait: That’s YOU, Gemini! For the next four weeks, as the glamorous Sun struts through Capricorn and your sultry eighth house, you won’t have to ask permission to bow out of unexciting social obligations. If you’ve got a consenting partner, make the most of these long lusty nights! Unattached? This is prime time for dating and mating. Even if you’re looking for “The One,” you can still enjoy the hunt!

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Hopefully the holidays aren’t so all-consuming that you can’t make dating and mating an equally high-priority item! Today, the radiant Sun begins its four-week trek through Capricorn and your seventh house of committed relationships. Regardless of your romantic status, this is sizzle time! If you’re single and have taken yourself out of circulation, get ready to get that life-force pumping again! Come out of your shell and give some worthy contender(s) a chance. Happily attached? Make your partner a priority and enjoy quality time together.

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If you can resist everything but holiday temptations, Leo, you might need a special strategy this season. Rather than trying to (and not succeeding at) saying no thanks to things you really, really want, plan to exercise "extreme moderation."" Today

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Hello, glamazon! Today marks the Sun’s sultry passage into Capricorn and your flirty, flamboyant fifth house, just in time for the holidays! If you already have plans to celebrate with your beloved, then kick back and enjoy the exciting crescendo to the festivities. But if you’re still deciding where and with whom to open presents and raise some glasses of good cheer, don’t limit your possibilities! If you’re single, don’t underestimate your magnetism and manifesting power during this interlude. Dress to the nines and hit the scene. Romance awaits!

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A buzz and excitement will fill your home today, dear Scorpio, as the moon continues its journey through Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs domestic bliss. If you're observing the holiday with your family, be sure to add some flare to the mix, honoring your traditions while adding a fresh spin. Don't be afraid to access your sentimental side later in the afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Mars, helping you deepen the bonds with your loved ones. Try not to stay up past your bedtime, or a square between the moon and Uranus could trigger moodiness.

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An atmosphere of serenity will prevail at home today and tensions will take a back seat. So gather with your dear ones and spread the joy. You have to find new ways of dealing with the frustration in life, which seems to get mounted gradually due to various reasons. Your insight will help you to find a way out.

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Well, THAT was fun! For the past month, the shimmering Sun has been beaming through your sign, lighting up your life and presumably setting your social calendar on fire. Today, el Sol downshifts into structured Capricorn and your second house of finances. This is a great time to catch up with yourself and let the coffers refill. While holiday season can be tough on a budget, if most of your presents have already been purchased, now you can look forward to four weeks of enjoying the best things in life—which P.S. aren’t necessarily going to be “things.”

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Your popularity will benefit from a cosmic boost this morning, dear Scorpio, thanks to a sweet exchange between the sun and moon. Lean into these supportive vibes by using your voice, as your charisma and wit can help you win the favor of others. However, you'll need to slow down later in the afternoon when Luna squares off with Mars, making it a good time to lay low. The nodes of fate will be active this evening, asking you to think creatively about the future. Meanwhile, Venus blows a kiss to Neptune, encouraging you to believe in your dreams.

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Holiday season or not, it’s YOUR annual month to downshift and let life fall into an easier, more leisurely groove. That’s not your preferred speed, but today, as the ego-focused Sun shifts into Capricorn and your restful, relaxed twelfth house for four weeks, you may naturally slow your roll. This is a crucial time for you to unwind and recharge your personal energetic batteries: On January 19, el Sol will march into your sign and put you back in the driver’s seat—of a race car!

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Popularity: soaring! Today, the confident Sun kicks off a four-week regatta through Capricorn and your eleventh house of friends, parties and strategic socializing. Your charisma is running at record levels, and people will clamor to get close to you—so make the most of it! Whether for business or pleasure, you can deepen some important ties during this cycle. If you’ve got a product or message to promote, this is your moment. Let the bonding begin!

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